TASC International (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. has not spared any efforts to provide the customers with all their requirements.
Our washing and packing line is with 40.000 M.T. washing and 10.000 M.T. packing capacity the most sophisticated line for the retail market in Asia. This capacity and our established- profounded knowledge about potatoes and onions ensures a permanent supply of produce with a steady quality throughout the year.
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- Category: TASC Malaysia
Download "Invitation to the New Year's event" (PDF)
Einladung zur TASC Neujahrsveranstaltung
1. Februar 2023 von 10:00 bis 12:30 Uhr
1. Begrüßung
Lars W. Köpp, Geschäftsführer TASC Int. (Germany) GmbH
2. Landessortenversuche Chips-Kartoffeln
Jürgen Pickny, Kartoffelspezialberatung LWK Niedersachsen, Uelzen
3. Anbau und Sortenempfehlung der Firma TASC für 2023
Holger Thiesing, Head of QM & After Sales TASC Int. (Switzerland) GmbH
4. Strategien in der Keimhemmung im Kartoffelbau
Henning Bergmann, Head of Technical Department DormFresh Ltd., UK-Scotland
5. Verabschiedung und Vorstellung von Mitarbeitern
Henrik Strampe u. Michael Burmester, Anbauberater TASC Int. (Germany) GmbH
Christopher Fangmeier, Assistent der Geschäftsführung TASC Int. (Switzerland) GmbH
Es werden Snacks und Tagungsgetränke gereicht.
Meyers Gasthaus | Es gelten die aktuellen Corona |
Hanstedter Str. 4 | bestimmungen. Das Tragen einer |
29525 Uelzen-Hanstedt II | Mund-Nasen-Maske ist freiwillig. |
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch! www.tasc-int.com
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- Category: English
To ensure our constantly excellent quality throughout the year, TASC experts control the whole supply chain according to the highest standards, in detail:
1. Growing areas and their conditions
2. Washing and packing
3. Logistics
4. Delivery to our customers
Over the years we gained valuable contacts and collaborations to the finest planters and most trustworthy forwarders. Due to our great expertise, we were able to develop a fast and highly reliable supply chain on road as well as on sea, which always guarantees a fresh delivery on time without loss of quality.
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- Category: English